Essential omegas,
derived from algae and ahiflower.
A daily intake of essential omega-3 fatty acids is critical for optimal functioning, from regulating your cholesterol levels to powering your nervous system. But certain omega-3 fatty acids are lacking in most plant-based diets, and vegan multivitamins often have unreliable dosages, if they contain omega-3s at all.
The unrefined algae oil used in Omega Complex naturally contains other beneficial compounds including carotenoids, Omega-7, and Chlorophyll. The ahiflower oil has an optimal 4:1 omega-3 to omega-6 ratio, and the highest concentration of any plant-based source of the powerful SDA omega-3 fatty acids.
Together, the environmentally sustainable oils in Omega Complex contain over 960 mg of omega-3s to support proper brain function, heart health, nervous system regulation, immune health, and more.*