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Essential 4-Month Subscription

Thank you for updating your Essential subscription!

Thank you for helping us reduce shipping costs and environmental impact by changing your subscription from every 2 months to every 4 months.

In a 4-month cycle, we’ll ship you a double order every four months (instead of a single order every two months).

So you’ll keep getting the same amount of Complement as you currently do… it’s just that it’ll come in one large shipment every four months instead of coming every two months.

This saves materials, fuel, and other shipping costs (plus it's better for the environment).

At your next renewal, you will be charged for 4-months of Complement (2x your current subscription), but will maintain FREE shipping.

You can pause or adjust your subscription at anytime inside the Customer Portal, and if you have any questions, email your Customer Happiness Specialist at


Are you taking full advantage of your subscription?

Don't forget about your Empowered Reward Points!

These points accrue automatically with each subscription renewal and are redeemable for discounts and free products.

To access your points, just click the "Rewards" pop-up on the bottom left-hand side of any page.

There you can review everything you've earned and all the ways you can use them to empower your lifestyle.

Thanks for being part of this Complement family.
