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A woman with bright lipstick holds a piece of asparagus in her teeth.

The Science That Proves Vegans Have Better Sex


A plant-based lifestyle rich in fruits and vegetables is an evidence-based way to ensure great blood flow, in and out of the heart and to all other important organs as well!

People consuming a whole food, plant-based diet are already following the most common recommendations for improving fertility - even if they're not aware of it.

More plants = better smell (and taste).

Athletic endurance tends to improve on a vegan diet, which may very easily translate into bedroom stamina.

Have you heard the rumor that vegans have better sex? Or seen PETA's steamy video on the topic? (WARNING: definitely NSFW)

Even if it's mostly vegans who are spreading the rumor, that does not mean it is not true. There’s even a book about it, by Dr. Joel Kahn, Ellen Jaffe Jones, and Beverly Lynn Bennett.

But what does science have to say? Let’s look at the top four scientific findings that prove that vegans have better sex:

1. Stronger Heart, More Love

Hoping that things will start - ahem - looking up in the bedroom? One of the best things that men can do is make sure that their arteries are free of plaque.

What’s the connection between heart health and sexual health? Plaque forming on arterial walls constricts blood flow to the penis, which hinders your ability to get an erection. Vegans tend to have less plaque in their arteries, even when compared to active omnivores, and that is a good thing for your heart, and for your overall performance, in and out of the bedroom.

Did you know that erectile dysfunction can be an early warning sign of cardiovascular disease? Erectile dysfunction may signal that a heart attack or stroke is likely in the next three to five years. The good news is that you can reduce your risk of erectile dysfunction and heart attack at the same time with a plant-based diet.

One study of Canadian men with diabetes reported that participants had a 10% lower risk of erectile dysfunction with every daily serving of fruit and/or vegetables.

The flavonoids in the fruits and vegetables may explain this improvement. Flavonoids are phytonutrients found in plants; they are responsible for the bright colours of many fruits and vegetables. And keep in mind that you can find flavonoids elsewhere. Many teas, herbs, and wines provide some level of these beneficial phytonutrients.

So how can flavonoids help when it comes to sex? When scientists analyzed 10 years of dietary and health data from 25,000 American men, they found that men with diets rich in flavonoids had a 11-16% lower risk of developing erectile dysfunction.

Thus, we find that a plant-based lifestyle rich in fruits and vegetables is an evidence-based way to ensure a healthy heart and a healthy love life. The simple reason: those individuals are more likely to have great blood flow, in and out of their hearts and to all other important organs as well!

2. Female Fertility

Problems with fertility can be heartbreaking, and couples often try everything they can to maximize their chances of having a family. The good news is that research suggests one of the most cost-effective and easiest solutions is simply changing your diet!

Harvard researchers authored the book, The Fertility Diet, based on the Nurse's Health Study which recommends the following to improve fertility:

  1. Keep to a healthy weight. (Vegans are more likely than the rest of the population to be in the healthy weight range, by the way).
  2. Eat vegan, iron rich foods, which can help prevent problems with ovulation.
  3. Eat more plant protein, and less animal protein.
  4. Eat foods high in fibre, including whole grains. (Where does dietary fiber come from? Only plants!)

Even if they're not aware of it, people consuming a whole food, plant-based diet are already following these recommendations, which can help to boost fertility.

3. Your Nose Knows

We all know that scent is a big part of attractiveness — and an easy way to repel those around you. Would you believe that women are more attracted to the body odor of men who don’t eat red meat?

It’s true! At least one study shows that the body odor of men who gave up red meat for two weeks was more attractive to women than the body odor of red-meat eating men.

And while we don’t have science to prove it, anecdotally we know that vegan bodily fluids also taste better. Another great reason to eat a whole-food plant-based diet!

4. Stamina

Endurance athletes like Rich Roll and Scott Jurek demonstrate that it is possible to have great athletic performance on a vegan diet, even in your 40s and 50s, which bodes well if you are dating a vegan guy.

Unsurprisingly, veg female athletes also have superior cardiovascular fitness when compared with female omnivorous athletes. We all know that women are often capable of multiple feats of endurance.

The big question is, does athletic endurance translate into stamina in the bedroom? Until we have more data available, we may just have to hypothesize on that one, but our professional opinion is, yes! After all, if done right, sex will definitely get your heart rate up and test your endurance.

Want to find out more? Check out Dr Joel Kahn’s book on the subject, or better yet - do your own research! Sex can be a lot of fun, vegan or not, but it is even more rewarding to share with someone who respects their own body, the planet and the animals. Is it better as a vegan?

Science seems to say, (probably) yes. You tell us!


1. Comparing Vegans’ Arteries to Runners’.

2. Cardiovascular Implications of Erectile Dysfunction.

3. Erectile dysfunction and fruit/vegetable consumption among diabetic Canadian men.

4. Dietary flavonoid intake and incidence of erectile dysfunction.

5. The effect of meat consumption on body odor attractiveness.

6. Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Peak Torque Differences between Vegetarian and Omnivore Endurance Athletes.
