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Unlocking Longevity: 4 Often-Overlooked Nutrients Essential for Plant-Based Vitality

Medically Reviewed by Dr. Joel Kahn, MD — Written by Doug Hay — Published April 4th, 2024

When talking about nutrients essential for living vibrantly — especially for the long term — it’s nearly impossible to zero in on just a few.

Vitamin B12, for example, is critical for the synthesis of red blood cells.

Magnesium supports your metabolism, energy, and protein production.

Vitamins C, D, K, A… each play a critical role in keeping you healthy, energized, and happy.

And the list goes on.

But for plant-based eaters, there are a few essential nutrients you rarely hear about.

Today we’re going to dig into four nutrients you’re probably not thinking about, but should.

1. Creatine: The Unseen Energizer

Creatine — affectionately referred to as “muscle candy” by many strength and performance athletes — plays a role in health and longevity far greater than making you look shredded.

Creatine is stored in the muscles where it’s used for energy production.

As muscle mass and strength decline with age, increased creatine (with or without resistance training) can increase aging muscle mass and strength.

A recent meta-analysis found that creatine may decrease the risk of falls and subsequently, reduce the risk of bone fractures.

Challenges for Plant-Based Eaters

We get creatine two ways:

  1. Our bodies synthesize about 1-3 grams of creatine through the liver, pancreas, and kidneys.
  2. Omnivorous diets provide additional creatine from meat and fish.

The result is that most omnivores get roughly 2-4 grams of creatine per day, and vegetarians and vegans about half that.

How to Get It On a Plant-Based Diet

Our bodies naturally synthesize some creatine, but unfortunately, no plant foods naturally contain creatine.

The best approach for plant-based eaters to increase creatine levels is through high-quality creatine monohydrate supplementation.

2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Heart of Vitality

While Complement has been beating the omega-3 drum for years, focusing on DHA and EPA is still uncommon.

Omega-3 fatty acids, specifically EPA and DHA, are crucial for the health of almost every cell in your body.

Challenges for Plant-Based Eaters

A plant-based diet is rich in omega-3s, but the most common sources provide ALA, which the body must convert to EPA and DHA.

Unfortunately, our bodies are very inefficient in converting ALA.

How to Get It On a Plant-Based Diet

Focus on flaxseeds, chia seeds, and walnuts for ALA, which can be converted into DHA and EPA in small amounts.

However, the most effective way to increase DHA and EPA on a plant-based diet is through algae-based supplementation.

3. Choline: A Nutrient with Many Benefits

Choline is so overlooked that it wasn’t until 1998 that it was acknowledged as a required nutrient.

Because it has a similar structure, choline is often grouped with B vitamins.

Choline supports several critical functions, including brain health, liver function, and metabolism.

Challenges for Plant-Based Eaters

Your liver can produce small amounts of choline, but most people get the majority through food.

Choline is primarily found in high concentrations in animal products.

How to Get It On a Plant-Based Diet

Good plant-based sources of choline include:

  1. Soybeans (Cooked, 1 cup): Contains about 107 mg of choline
  2. Tofu (Firm, 1/2 cup): Contains approximately 35 mg of choline
  3. Quinoa (Cooked, 1 cup): Contains around 43 mg of choline
  4. Broccoli (Cooked, 1 cup, chopped): Contains about 63 mg of choline
  5. Cauliflower (Cooked, 1 cup, chopped): Contains about 48 mg of choline
  6. Brussels Sprouts (Cooked, 1 cup): Contains about 63 mg of choline

4. Selenium: The Immune Booster

Selenium is a trace mineral that plays a crucial role in protecting the body from oxidative stress and infections.

It supports immune function, thyroid health, and plays a role in DNA synthesis.

Challenges for Plant-Based Eaters

The selenium content in plant-based foods can vary depending on the soil where the plants are grown.

How to Get It On a Plant-Based Diet

Best plant foods rich in selenium include Brazil nuts.

Just one or two Brazil nuts can provide the daily recommended intake.

A Mindful Approach to Longevity and Vitality

A plant-forward diet is a nutrient powerhouse, filling your body with powerful vitamins, minerals, and nutrients.

You should be mindful of areas of weakness due to lifestyle, access to certain foods, or personal needs.
